Vets Helping Vets Anderson meets every Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. until ??? at the Elks Lodge on McGee Road in Anderson. For more information contact Jesse Taylor at or call him at 864-245-0181.
See the Vets Helping Vets Facebook page at
Vets Helping Vets also has a website at
Vets Helping Vets was originally a group of combat veterans suffering with PTSD who met at the old VA clinic (building since demolished) on Greenville Street in Anderson. For whatever reason the VA stopped sponsoring the therapy group and 14 of the veterans decided to meet on their own. Thus Vets Helping Vets (Anderson) came into being on October 14, 2014, with those 14 original members.
Vets Helping Vets began welcoming all veterans, not just combat veterans with PTSD, and as of June 2019 the organization, which now meets at the Elks Lodge on McGee Road in Anderson, has grown to more than 200 members and a typical attendance of over 90 vets at Wednesday morning meetings.
Come visit. It costs nothing to visit or to become a member. There is probably no better place to get information on veterans' activities and benefits. And there are always coffee and donuts.
FOR COMBAT VETS ONLY. Jesse Taylor, the original founder of Vets Helping Vets Anderson, has begun a new veteran's group focused on Army and Marine Corps combat vets. They meet on Mondays at 1900 (7:00 p.m.). Contact Jesse Taylor to learn the current meeting place. Bring your DD-214. For more information contact Jesse at the email address or phone number given above.
This page was last updated on 09/01/21. If you know of any changes, please contact the Web Sergeant at